Kathleen graduated with a BFA from Gordon College in 2000​. ​Her work has been exhibited at Gallery 53, a juried artists’ cooperative in historic Rocky Neck Art Colony in Gloucester, MA, The Jane Deering Gallery, the Cultural Center in Gloucester, Law and Water Gallery, as well as special exhibits at Providence Art Club, Gallery 95 at Porter Mill in Beverly, The Marblehead Arts Association, Witch Dr Gallery in Salem, MA, The Blue Dodo in Hamden CT, and Gallery Twist in Lexington, MA. Her paintings have also been featured in the online publications Boston Voyager and Boston Accent Lit. In 2017 Kathleen started an organization called Art With Action, as a way to raise money for causes promoting social justice. By donating 100% proceeds of art sales she was able to raise significant funds as a grounding way to promote peace and justice and combine her love of service with creativity.

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My studio is in my open and light-filled house in Gloucester, MA. I work using acrylics on wood or paper overlaid with copper leaf. Painting surprises and delights me and reflects my love of the environment around me. In addition to making art I crave balance, inner grounding and a sense of community. Thus I have also worked for the last 12 years as a registered nurse in Boston, caring for homeless individuals at an organization called Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program. This work teaches me many things, especially about human strength, fragility, tenacity and weakness and feeds my hunger to create beauty. For me, the very real, earthy experience of caring for chronically ill homeless people balances out the heady, loose rich freedom of painting.